What is in your window wells?

Roofing shingles
Smoker grill
Trash can
Milk bottle and trash
Bucket and trash
Trash and Tumbleweeds



On today’s new homes window wells are larger then ever. Large wells are dangerous for children, pets, and even adults. Leaving basement window wells uncovered is a gamble that should not be taken lightly.

Uncovered window wells are like a magnet for trash, tumbleweeds, leaves and especially young children who love to explore and play. Window well covers can do more then make your yard safer. They can also keep out weather, rodents, tumbleweed’s and burglars. We offer optional security chains to help protect your family and belongings.


Since 2003 we have been providing Colorado Springs home owners with the most options when it comes to basement window well covers. We offer free estimates and Military discounts.